Mary Kathryn’s stand for

Equity and Social Justice

I believe social justice is a foundational part of the yogic practice, and is essential to my work as a teacher and practitioner, in efforts to build an equitable and just society. 

I, Mary Kathryn Jackson, denounce all forms of racism, violence, and hate speech, as well as any actions that oppress, attack, and harm people of color and individuals of other marginalized communities, including gender queer, LGBTQIA+, and differently-abled folks. 

I am angry and heartbroken by the continued violence and injustice against Black, Brown, Indigenous, Asian, and people of color. I support social justice, diversity, and inclusion, and am committed to working towards an equitable and just world. We are long overdue for an equitable world — one in which all people are truly safe and respected. 

I stand in solidarity with communities of color, and individuals affected by prejudice, discrimination, and violence. It’s vital that we learn about how our society’s systems were designed to marginalize and oppress based on race, gender, class, abilities, sexuality, immigrant status, national origin, and religious beliefs. 

As a White woman, I am committed to unpacking my own white privilege and internalized racism. As a yoga teacher, I am committed to social justice advocacy in my work as a guide. I will continue to live a life that is founded on yogic values to cultivate more equity through personal and social justice, and will help others in my community become informed, so that we can work towards dismantling this harmful system and build a safer world.

I strive to create a workplace environment that is compassionate, caring, and supportive for any and all who choose to work with me - where people of all races, ethnicities, religions, gender identities, sexual orientations, physical abilities, ages, income levels, countries of origin, and immigration status are welcomed, valued, trusted, seen, respected, and treated equitably. 

I am committed to learning from, listening to, and trusting the contributors in these communities for the rest of my life, so that I can do better in my work towards creating an equitable and inclusive society.

We all need to do better.

Mary Kathryn